Strategic Supply Chain Design

Strategic supply chain modelling involves the input of all elements of the supply chain into a single, integrated model to allow each key cost driver to be optimised against a set of criteria. Manufacturing constraints, customer service levels etc, are all considered and the final model is represented both graphically, and financially.
We use a variety of techniques and software to build bespoke supply chain models to accurately reflect your business operating in the real world. The software includes the following:-
Considers suppliers, production facilities, DC’s and customer demands
Local, regional and global modelling capability
Optimum depot locations based on demand, supply and service levels
Optimum network structure trading off:
Fixed cost
Variable cost
Inventory levels
Service levels
Revenue and profit
Manufacturing and product sourcing decisions
Where should warehouses and depots be located?
Design and development of alternative logistics solutions and costs
Base case model of your current supply chain, calibrated to current cost using existing costs and tariffs, or a set of synthesised cost functions
Fully costed supply chain solutions in a single comparative model
Detailed analysis of all supply chain cost elements and drivers
Full analysis and explanation of all supply chain dynamics